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Hey Maman, what to watch tonite?

Now I do not blog much these days, so I'm surprising you all I'm sure.
I am watching movies, as you know, which Mommy and me were enamored with.
Movies like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Fiddler on the Roof, Princess Bride and Everafter.
Well, tonite, my dears, I am watching one I like. One which Mommy , for some reason, did not.
Perhaps because she was so much like the main character. I am watching Mary Poppins. She would clap her hands to get all of you to hurry up and say "spitspot". She would even quote Mary by saying that "practically perfect people" are just like me, and other phrases from the movie. So for someone who openly regarded this movie as absurd it is remarkable how much she emulated dear Mz Poppins. And, of course, as you know, I love her dearly. So I am watching a movie tonite of someone who reminds me very much about some of her special qualities. such as flying with an umbrella, and having tea parties on the ceiling.
One day we shall meet in the Abha Kingdom and she will get her chance to rebuff me for this.
I pray we will laugh hilariously over it as in our past together.
Have you any remembrances about Maman and this movie? or others.


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I like it, Papa. I remember, not too long after Mendon and I were first married, we were lying in bed together, starting to fall asleep, but chatting and "decompressing" as we usually do. We stumbled, somehow upon Mary Poppins, and I sang a quick section of one of the songs from the movie. Me, the music geek politely ended there, ran out of lines and lyrics. Then, the fountain of Mary Poppins song that I have now realized to be Mendon started singing, and singing, and singing, and "dude!" I thought "he really, really likes that movie!"

All smoke and mirrors, papa, all smoke and mirrors. She pretended to dislike the movie so as to not give away her secret identity. Even we children saw through that! Much love,

Of all the way she emulated Mz Poppins, oh yes, plenty of memories! (such as you mention)

I hope I can be a bit of the same for Liam, even though I'm not a particularly huge fan of the film myself ;-) [then again, I haven't seen it in ages].

Of course, I think about Maman all day long, and now, when you ask for memories, it's like they've all solidified into some incoherent mass that I can't disentangle and explain.

Thanks for sharing this! love you Papa, Mara

Momma was very practical. Perhaps perfectly so - bringing new meaning to the phrase practically perfect ;)

I remember her saying spit-spot.

I also remember she also liked "The Couch Trip," with Walter Matthau and Dan Akroyd.

I think she would have liked the Darjeeling Express.

I also remember watching Mary Poppins at Gramma's on Pinehurst in the early seventies at Christmas. She didn't think that the Grampa who struggles with the kid for the guinea so he can put it in the Bank was Dick Van Dyke, but you knew it was him - and when the name showed up at the end, in the credits, it's an anagram of Dick Van Dyke, but she so wanted to be right that she pointed at the screen and said: "See? I told you it wasn't Dick van Dyke!" and just as she was doing it, the letters rearranged themselves into Dick van Dyke. We both thought it was pretty funny, but afterwards, whenever we watched the film, I got put to bed and the TV got turned off before that part came on, so I think she really didn't like to be reminded of it.

glad to be one of the visitants on this awing site : D.

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