December 15, 2005

Amazing smiliarities

Let me tell you, this has been a year of discovery, I've been in the US for over 9 months now spending some time with my family, getting to know them at least a little bit better, analyzing with an older than 15 year old mind, which is how old I was the last time I was here.
I have come to a conclusion, I am like my family, and Im talking beyond the physical features, yeah, I most definetly have the D nose, haha! I mean, my personality is divided into little pieces and finds a match on different members of both sides.
The most amazing part is that I've lived in different country, with a different culture all my life, yet DNA finds a way to store some info on how Im supposed to react to situations and my sorroundings finding solutions that are put together with a reason that is alien to the local way of reasoning, in other words, I have always been a different kind of frog down there, and not only because my name is Rahmat and not Pedro or Jose, and not only because I am over 6 ft tall, blonde and look like a tourist who lives with his tourist accented parents, but because of how I was in terms of behaviour and personality.

There is most definetly and exterior energy that drives us, even though we are far from each other we are connected and in some way, we are similar.

Maybe I took some of each of you when I went back home after every visit, maybe its just Mom and Dad that influenced me, but I have to say, I never really spent much time with my parents, we where always adventurous and shared time with other people. I stayed for days at friends houses, was never at home, and when I was we didnt talk much, everybody was busy doing their own thing, yet, the feeling that Zayn and I had was that we never fit that society, I think Zayn ended up adapting to the culture better than I did, he can now say he fits, he is definetly Argentinian. But I feel like I dont fit on either side, Im just a strange mix.
This has been a tough test for my brother and me for years, he hated to be different and I just wanted to be normal, to fit, but ended up enjoying the fact that I was different, I was the king of the crowd, and my name has been the best ice breaker of all times, "whats your name again? and where is that from? where are you from?" we looked different and our friends didnt like to come to our house because they couldnt find anything local in our fridge, or where overwhelmed by Moms energy and Dads wisdom so greatly that they just had to leave.

The similarities are amazing, I am lightminded, my mind soares into la la land a lot, I am a snot, I want to hang out with smart people, I love food, all kinds, as long as it tastes good and always think about if its healthy or not, I like to go off talking like Im the smartest fella in the room when Im not and it doesnt matter to the person in front of me, I like to party now that I left my house and can do that with no remorse, I have a strong sense of spirituality and feel a connection with God and am agnostic jsut because I think people screw up the true objective of religions and start competing to see who is the best at praying, I am lonely because Im a different type of cat, I am constantly trying to please people because I like to make them happy but that never succeeds, I am sensitive to things that are not on the surface and understand that there is far more than what we see.

I am part of my family no matter how far I am and I am slowly starting to feel complete, for the first time.

Posted by Rahmat at 10:03 AM | Comments (11)

December 11, 2005

Long live Queen

Yesterday I was watching TV and saw a commercial with music by Queen in the background. Wow, I've listened to Queen a lot a couple years ago, say, 10 years ago, I listened to it a lot, to the point where I couldnt appreciate it anymore.
But now, I got some of their CDs and have been listening to it all day, its just incredible the capacity of those musicians, specially Freddie Mercury, he hits every note perfectly and transmits how much fun they had recording their music. I feel like every song is a classic.


Im enjoying it again and it feels great, I cant put to words how much I love music, how it fills every little vein in my body with pride of the human capacity to create an emotion triggering composition so rich as that, imagination mixes with emotion and explodes, and Im not just talking about Queen, Im talking of the whole range of musicians from Beethoven to Radiohead.

If you liked Queen you have to "get", (yeah "get" with both hands raised with two fingers doing the hook) their platinum edition CDs, I guarantee it will make you laugh, revive memories and fill you up with musical completeness. Of course only do it with a good sound system, the difference between a little CD player and a gooood sound system is like the difference between a banana and my itching left ear, it changes everything.

If you do listen to them, please comment on how you experienced listening to them again (Im sure you havent listened to them in a while).

Oh and do me a favor if I have truly succeded to convince you on putting their CD on do the following:
1. Kick off your shoes and walk around on your feet for a while, get relaxed.
2. Look for the song "It's a hard life" by Queen
3. Get a comfortable couch, sink in it and have a sip of that steaming tea or ffee o your side
4. Im sure youre all techies so crank the volume up with your remote to a nice loud but not heart attack level
5. Get the song ready to play, find the play button in your remote and keep your finger on it but dont press the button, just squeeze it (no not like a gun!)
6. Put your head back, take a deep breath, let the air out, repeat

7. Just let go

Press play

Posted by Rahmat at 12:11 AM | Comments (4)