June 2009 Archives


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As I sat in a bar and watched the final game for the Stanley Cup the primitive nature of sports crept into my mind. There is a very clear us and them mentality based on home towns. I considered the wars of long long ago, fought out by only two men- the best warrior from each side. While riots often follow big games, I can't help pondering what our world would look like if we fought our battles out in sports arenas. I suppose that's too much pressure to put on athletes.

I have come to enjoy the sense of community found upon entering a bar during a big game. Every cheers, claps, or groans in disappointment as a group. Some bars are smokier than others, so after the first period I headed over to a nearby friend to watch the rest of the game. As I was riding, another goal was made- and I could hear the entire city ecstaticly cheering. It was a thrilling moment that was, perhaps, far better than watching the goal beign made.

End of the year

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My town is having an interesting year- Superbowl, the Stanley Cup and the G-20.
The school year is coming to a close and I am picking up knitting (again) - and this time I think it will stick, if I keep doing it fairly often. I've become a pro at casting on (in my eyes anyhow) and am focusing on keeping the number of rows, and the tension constant. Then I will begin making socks.

Between knitting, family events, and dreams, I've been thinking of my mother a bit more often these days.

I've got a number of biking adventures coming up, including friends and family. I've been reading like mad to keep up with my students, and there will be a grading frenzy as I prepare to grade finals and all the late work students turn in at the last minute. Work can still be a source of frustration, but is much more often a source of joy or accomplishment. My mother would have enjoyed watching my progression through this year.