Asparagus Angel
Someone brought us asparagus last night.
Whoever you are: thank you. Asparagus is a family favorite. It's wonderful.
A lot of people have asked what they can do to help. Here's my advice:
1. Be careful about visiting. Ask if it's alright, and expect the answer no. My mother is pretty tired more or less all the time and she puts on a positive face for visitors. It leaves her really, really drained. It's not that we don't like to see you, it's just that it really wipes her out.
2. Tell my Dad you're sorry that his wife is dying and ask him how he's doing. He's loved my mother for 37 years. Call or write.
Those are the two most important.
A number of people have brought by food. This is fantastic and we're really grateful. Cooking has become hard.
I'm really grateful for the people who have supported us in our time of need.
On the positive side - well, the whole family is here. Everyone came home for this. When I think about it, I'm a little happier. Family unity makes me feel better.
Finally, Ingrida and I have decided to postpone our wedding.