August 24, 2008

Well, we're back in the truck!

I have been laodecian about pursuing higher education for the last 20 months. However, thanks largely to Andrew's acceptance to a graduate program at NU, I have found myself motivated to go back to school. This time, I'm looking back at career paths that I've explored and enjoyed. Instead of working in the psych industry, I've decided that I'd rather experiment with the medical field.

I've looked into studying to become a nurse, a master's level nurse, as well as certificate paths, and, of course, becoming a physician. I have settled on studying to be a doctor of medicine. I will be able to fulfill the joke of becoming M.D. M.D. That is, assuming that everything goes according to plan.

In a harried week or two, I've applied to a local community college that offers all of the pre-reqs that I need, been accepted, and have begun looking for schools of medicine to which I want to apply. There are a few in the Chicago area that I am exploring, as well as an MD and DO program in Arizona. I haven't ruled out other states (such as Ohio).

I am not doing this out of a need to cure pancreatic cancer (the disease that killed my mother). Nor am doing this because doctors have a hefty earning potential (though, that is some part of it). I am doing this because it is something that I think I may love to do. I have spent many hours in a hospital ER on many different sides. Never have I been a patient or doctor though. I thought I might take a pass on being a patient and see if I could make a career of being a doctor.

I understand that there are many roles in the hospital to be filled. I may end up becoming a radiologist or RT or RN, however, currently, my goal is to pursue medical school. In this vein, I have decided to set my goals and stick to them as tenaciously as possible. I begin school tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck.

Posted by Mendon at 9:01 PM | Comments (8)