March 1, 2006

The Celestial Being

The planet that circles the Sun
Craves to do so no more.
If only forward momentum,
perpetually at right angles,
could be stopped. Straight
would be the path, wholly
consumed, ablaze, and
Revelling in the entirety,
Would finally achieve serenity,
satiate its endless hunger
for Nothingness.

Posted by Mendon at March 1, 2006 12:54 AM

Ah, but if only the planet could see the larger perspective; for the sun moves as well, circling in the galaxy, and the galaxy moves; and no longer does the planet's orbit seem like meaningless repition, going nowhere in circles. For the oneness and nothingness are entwined in the substance of the universe, if only the planet were content in its path and the forces that connect it to the other bodies of the heavens. But the planet does not see beyond its limited scope.

Posted by: Hayley at March 3, 2006 12:47 AM

Poetry is in our blood. I've got shills. Publish this along with the others.

Posted by: Rae at March 3, 2006 11:04 PM


Posted by: Rae at March 3, 2006 11:04 PM