January 18, 2006

Oxford is Dangerous

At the very least that is what I hear the national news would have you believe. In all reality, Oxford is no safer or more dangerous than it has been. Rather, there have been three highly publicized crimes in the last few weeks that have led to a certain amount of coverage. I have only heard rumors that Oxford is now dangerous from others because I avoid television and Kristen and I don't own one (Not an invitation for anyone to get us a television!). All of the crimes recently reported are common here at Miami University. The difference is that it was a man who was kidnapped and the rapist was wearing a mask and had a gun. What is common and commonly unreported is kidnapping followed by acquaintance rape. Though, much more common, is acquaintance rape on its own. You might not believe this but there is very little on campus activity involved in preventing rape or giving victims a voice. Despite a certain psychology department researcher who has repeatedly found that approximately 25% of female students are raped in their four years at Miami there is a profound ignorance or denial of this issue. However, when it involves a random house (which may have not been so random) and a stranger with a gun and a mask it is very threatening to many people.

A common response to this is obtaining tasers, pepper spray, and other weapons. I heard rumor that the MUPD was handing out pepper spray. It should comfort you to know that Kristen and I are making every effort to not change anything in our lives because of this.

"Why?" You ask, "should this comfort me?" It should comfort you because we do not operate under the false assumption that bad things only happen to bad people or good people in very bad situations. That feeling of invulnerability is unproductive and only makes one more susceptible to victimization. On that note, you should know that Kristen and I generally go out at night together (very occasionally will we travel alone). We always keep our door locked and deadbolted and our windows are locked. We do not concern ourselves with being paranoid because if we get hit then that's what life is going to throw at us despite taking sound precautions. One of the largest problems of crime in Oxford is the overabundance of naive college students who are unaware of the riskiness of their behavior. Because of the close relations of the student body, it is not difficult to figure out who locks their doors, who has what, and who is likely to report various crimes because there is illegal activity that is probably going on that no one wants to involve in a police report of their own victimization. The highest crime rate is comitted against students by other students. Don't think that strangers are the perpetrators. Have a good night and sleep well.

Posted by Mendon at January 18, 2006 12:14 AM

Don't post right before nathan cleans up everyone's blogs!

Posted by: Mendon at January 19, 2006 10:38 AM

If Nathan is cleaning up the blogs, how come his keeps showing new posts and there is nothing there? And why doesn't the 'remember personal info?' work anymore?

Posted by: ma at January 20, 2006 8:25 AM

He probably cleans his last. Every time you update your blog it gets shoved down into the "most recently updated" spot. That means that you don't need to add content just change something about your blog. That means that you could be doing things like adding links (like mara has done), frappr, changing your heading (as I just did), adding a comment, deleting comments, probably rebuilding your blog, too.

Posted by: Mendon at January 20, 2006 11:30 AM

Actually, it's only happening to your blog, Nathan's and Ange's, it seems. If you want your blog clean, you should probably do it yourself, as I am frequently the one cleaning Nathan's blog. :-)

Posted by: Mara at January 20, 2006 6:05 PM

Hi, guys!

Mara, thanks for looking out for me. I do try to clean the blogs once a day.

The "remember personal info" works for me, but I have put dornbrook.com into my trusted sites, which allows dornbrook.com to put the cookie in my browser cache which stores my personal info for the next time I come to post a comment.

Posted by: Nathan Dornbrook at January 21, 2006 4:02 AM