October 11, 2004


What YO!

You best back up off my wIZindshield wipers!

They be chrIZome!

This is what some people at Miami think is cool.

This is what Kristen and I think is very amusing.

Especially, parked outside the Brill Science Library!

Posted by Mendon at October 11, 2004 5:04 PM

On a scale of 1 to rocking, my brother rocks!

You are so cool, Mensch. I like the new blog title as well. It fits much better, especially now that you're back.

Let me know if any more of that Online Texas Holdem spam shows up on your blog and I'll remove it post haste.

Posted by: Nathan Dornbrook at October 12, 2004 6:11 PM

Okay, I'm am really lost. What are you saying, or what are the kids at Miami saying? Is this sort of like pig-Latin?

Posted by: Nannie at October 13, 2004 8:26 AM

Whatever. Anyway, I agree - the new name rocks!! Mark says to say we're doing very well, but to remember... When I asked "remember what?" He said, "I don't know."

Posted by: Mara Fojas at October 13, 2004 2:01 PM

Oh, and I like the new name too!

Posted by: Nannie at October 13, 2004 9:26 PM