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December 17, 2009

Along came a baby named Sonya Rose....

She's a beautiful grand daughter, 6lbs 4 oz. of wiggly joy. She has lots of hair and a cherubic face with a wonderful though rare smile at 18 hours old. She looks around at everything as though she is absorbing everything in this new world around her. I got to give her first bath at home this week and she didn't like it much. She shivered and cried through the whole bath. She loved getting dried off and having the hoody part of the towel around her head all wrapped up in the warm towel. I guess I'd like that too. Who wouldn't? Eh? Well we had a very nice time over three days. I love holding her and singing to her and telling her stories and saying prayers with her and snoozing while holding her on my chest. Liam is only a little jealous. He really is a good big brother. Although I don't really think she wants to share playing with his dinosaurs just yet. I'll be seeing her again soon. I look forward to being with Liam too.