Blingbling and Crapwear?
I must be getting olde! I have seen people with five earrings in one ear. I couldn't really see the ear. Or they insist on exposing a navel with a big karat of a blingbling stuck in it. Or if they pull down their shirt, there is an obvious chunky bulge which is either a genetic defect or a humongous tummy ring. Yuck styling to me.Some of these individuals are physically attractive except for the, as I see it, bizarre behavior.
Or ffffffat folk wearing teeny and tighty with long earrings and five rings on each finger. Sort of like see "I can wear this and you really will not notice as I have all these sparkly rings on my hands". Obviously, they look just plain sooooooo bad! Hair grows back usually unless it is destroyed in whatever is done to it to get attention, or express what? It appears as if the usually nice and attractive has become boring or something.
Maybe these people are trying to be unique in and of themselves. Anybody have an opinion? Or better an understanding!!!!!!!